Search below to view summary information reported by TRI facilities in the most recent reporting year.

Use the search features to identify industrial facilities in your community that release chemicals into the air, water, and land, or manage the waste through other methods. Learn what chemicals these facilities release, efforts to reduce releases, and potential health impacts associated with the chemical releases.

To start, select a location or enter an address, or use one of the other search option tabs below.

Results will include TRI facilities that reported in the most recent reporting year.

Enter an address or select a location to search for facilities.

Or, use your current location.

The metro areas included in this menu have at least one facility that reported to TRI. The MSAs consist of one or more socially and economically integrated adjacent counties, cities, or towns.

The 22 watersheds included in this menu are based on hydrologic regions defined by the U.S. Geological Survey, and contain multiple small watersheds and water resources within a large geographic area.

The tribal lands included in this search menu are federally recognized tribes with at least one TRI facility located within its boundaries, or within 10 miles of its boundaries.

Search for any TRI facility by name or TRI Facility ID (TRIFID). Enter at least two characters to see a list of matching facilities. You can narrow your search first with one of the other search options (state, metro area, etc.) and then choose from facilities in that location.

Data sources

NOTE: the TRI Program covers many—but not all—industry sectors and chemicals. Additionally, some facilities within a covered sector may not meet TRI reporting criteria.

Facilities Summary - Most Recent Reporting Year: 2023

Individual Facility Summary - Most Recent Reporting Year: 2023

For details about an individual facility, go to the Facility List.

You can print this report for use as a handout. For ideas about sharing TRI information, see the TRI What You Can Do page.

Releases: includes air emissions, discharges to bodies of water or runoff, land disposal, and off-site transfers for disposal.

Waste Managed: the sum of all non-accidental chemical waste generated at a facility. It's the sum of on-site releases, on-site waste management (recycling, treatment, and energy recovery), and off-site transfers for disposal, treatment, recycling, or energy recovery.

Top Chemicals Released to Air, Water, and Land

On-site releases by chemical are shown below for air, water, and land releases. Hover over a pie slice to view chemical names and release quantities.

The default legend shows the releases quantity or RSEI Hazard by media type for the top 10 facilities. Click on "By Chemical" to change the legend to view the releases quantity or RSEI Hazard by chemical for the top 10 chemicals for the top 10 facilities.

To change the sorting order in the table, click on a column header.

For individual facility information, click on a facility name and then the checkmark button.

indicates values within the metric which are above the 80th percentile nationally compared to all other facilities. For example, releases greater than 27,651 pounds are flagged.

Data on facility compliance with federal environmental laws are maintained in EPA's Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO).

For each facility listed in the table below, the number shown reflects the number of three-month periods in the past three years for which EPA identified known violations of environmental laws. Note that not every facility is regulated under all three laws.

Click on a facility name and then the checkmark button for more detailed compliance and enforcement data.

The total number of quarters reflected in the table above is 12. Compliance information reflects the most recent three years of data. Specific dates defining each quarter may vary by law.

How Does This TRI Facility Compare to Others?

For more information about this facility, click the ECHO View Detailed Facility Report button.

Definitions of compliance status vary by law. For more information, visit the ECHO Frequently Asked Questions web page.

No Violation Identified
Significant Violation
Violation Identified
Status Unknown/Unavailable

The table above reflects quarterly compliance status during 12 quarters over the past three years unless otherwise noted. Specific dates defining each quarter may vary by law.

Enforcement data for this facility based on the CAA, CWA, and RCRA is provided in the table below. Note that enforcement data for TRI reporting is also available in the ECHO Detailed Facility Report by clicking on the button above.


Change Your Search Radius (Miles):

A "release" refers to different ways that toxic chemicals from industrial facilities enter the air, water and land. Releases include spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing into the environment.

Waste Managed

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Facilities report how much of each chemical is recycled, burned for energy recovery, and treated, as well as how much is disposed of or otherwise released during normal production; these are all waste management methods. Facilities also report the quantity of chemicals emitted in the event of a one-time incident, such as a spill or fire; these are also included in “waste management."

Pollution Prevention (P2) - Source Reduction

Change Your Search Radius (Miles):

Source reduction refers to how facilities reduce the amount of chemical waste they produce or how they avoid producing it in the first place. Facilities are required to report any new source reduction activities each year by selecting codes on the TRI reporting form that correspond to five different categories, which are listed under the "Trend by Method and Year" tab below (view more details in Reporting Forms and Instructions).

Product Modifications
Process and Equipment Modifications
Operating Practices and Training
Material Substitutions and Modifications
Inventory and Material Management

Potential Harm: RSEI Hazard

Change Your Search Radius (Miles):

To evaluate the potential harm of TRI chemicals released into the environment numerous factors must be considered. EPA's Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI), a screening-level tool that uses TRI data along with other information, produces results that provide context and enable relative comparisons of potential health-related impacts from reported toxic chemical waste management activities. RSEI Hazard, also called toxicity-weighted pounds, is a descriptor of relative potential harm to human health and consists of the pounds of a chemical released to the environment or transferred off site multiplied by the chemical's toxicity weight.

See the "More Info" button for more details about RSEI Hazard and see the EasyRSEI Dashboard to access other RSEI modeling results, including RSEI Score.

The graphs below show how much each chemical contributes to the total pounds released as reported to TRI with how much each chemical contributes to the total RSEI Hazard for your current selection.

The graph below shows the trend in total RSEI Hazard by kind of release for your current selection. A higher total hazard for a year indicates a higher relative potential hazard to human health. Looking at changes in RSEI Hazard across years can help illustrate changes in relative potential hazard over time.


Change Your Search Radius (Miles):

This section lists the potential health effects associated with the chemicals released by the facilities in your search area.

The table below lists health terms and briefly describes related potential health effects.

Compliance and Enforcement

Change Your Search Radius (Miles):

Data on facility compliance with federal environmental laws are maintained in EPA's Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO).