Search below to view summary information reported by TRI facilities in the most recent reporting year.
Use the search features to identify industrial facilities in your community that release chemicals into the air, water, and land, or manage the waste through other methods. Learn what chemicals these facilities release, efforts to reduce releases, and potential health impacts associated with the chemical releases.
Enter an address or select a location to search for facilities.
The metro areas included in this menu have at least one facility that reported to TRI. The MSAs consist of one or more socially and economically integrated adjacent counties, cities, or towns.
The 22 watersheds included in this menu are based on hydrologic regions defined by the U.S. Geological Survey, and contain multiple small watersheds and water resources within a large geographic area.
The tribal lands included in this search menu are federally recognized tribes with at least one TRI facility located within its boundaries, or within 10 miles of its boundaries.
Search for any TRI facility by name or TRI Facility ID (TRIFID). Enter at least two characters to see a list of matching facilities. You can narrow your search first with one of the other search options (state, metro area, etc.) and then choose from facilities in that location.
NOTE: the TRI Program covers many—but not all—industry sectors and chemicals. Additionally, some facilities within a covered sector may not meet TRI reporting criteria.