2023 TRI Community Profile -
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) tracks the management of certain toxic chemicals that may pose a threat to human health and the environment. U.S. facilities in different industry sectors that meet reporting requirements must report annually how much of each chemical is released into the environment and/or otherwise managed as waste through recycling, energy recovery, and treatment. For more information about the TRI data in this profile, visit the TRI Toxics Tracker tool.
You can use TRI and Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) data to start a conversation about facilities in your community and potential sources of exposure to toxic chemicals.
Map of TRI Facilities in in 2023
Each dot on the map represents a single facility and is sized and color-coded based on the total releases quantity reported in 2023.
Total Releases: Total on- and off-site quantities of chemicals emitted into the air or water, placed in some type of land disposal, or transferred off site to another location for disposal or release.
TRI Summary for
Location | TRI Facilities | 2023 Releases (pounds) | Top Chemicals by Releases | 2023 RSEI Hazard | Top Chemicals by RSEI Hazard | P2 Activities (2014-2023) | Average Demographic Index |
Pollution Prevention (P2) Activities: Activities that eliminate or reduce the use of TRI-listed chemicals and the creation of chemical waste.
Average Demographic Index: The average of the Low Income and People of Color indicators from EJScreen for the facility's census block group. A higher demographic index indicates that an area contains a population with more people of color and/or with a lower average household income compared to the national average.
Trends in Releases and RSEI Hazard
Looking at release data over time can provide a better sense of potential human exposure to toxic chemicals. The RSEI screening tool provides context on TRI chemical release data from a risk-related perspective. One RSEI result is the RSEI Hazard, which is a calculated number that expresses relative potential harm of TRI chemicals based on the quantities and toxicities of chemicals.
2023 TRI Community Profile -
Summary of Releases
Looking at TRI release data by environmental media helps to understand where chemicals are being emitted. Releases into the air and water are often more concerning because people may be exposed to the chemicals as they disperse in the air, interact with other chemicals, dissolve in water, or bioaccumulate in organisms.
Types of Releases- Air includes fugitive air emissions (non-point sources such as leaks) and stack air emissions (point sources such as a smokestack).
- Water includes discharges to bodies of water, such as streams and rivers, or contributions from stormwater runoff.
- Land includes several types of disposal, such as placement of chemical waste in landfills, in surface impoundments, and underground injection wells.
- Off-site releases include chemical waste transfers to facilities geographically or physically separate from the TRI reporting facility. Most quantities are then disposed of to land but some are then released into the environment.
Top Facilities in by Releases in 2023
Facilities are ranked in descending order by releases in 2023. Facilities with zero releases reported are not included.
TRI Facility Name - ID | 2023 Releases (pounds) | 2023 RSEI Hazard | Top Chemicals by Releases | P2 Activities (2014-2023) | TRI Industry Sector | Demographic Index |
2023 TRI Community Profile -
Summary of RSEI Hazard
RSEI Hazard values are calculated for chemicals, facilities, and geographic locations and are intended to be compared to other similar RSEI Hazard values. Comparing these results can help you identify the relative potential harm following releases of the same or different toxic chemicals in a given area. For example, the higher the RSEI Hazard in a specific geographic location compared to another, the greater the relative potential for harm. The charts below provide information for understanding relative potential harm.
Top Facilities in by RSEI Hazard in 2023
Facilities are ranked in descending order by RSEI Hazard in 2023.
TRI Facility Name - ID | 2023 RSEI Hazard | 2023 Releases (pounds) | Top Chemicals by RSEI Hazard | P2 Activities (2014-2023) | TRI Industry Sector | Demographic Index |
2023 TRI Community Profile -
Demographic Data, Industrial Profile, and Additional Resources
The map below shows the location of TRI facilities, overlaid with demographic data from EJScreen. Viewing TRI release quantities alongside community characteristics can tell us about potential impacts on more vulnerable populations. Each dot on the map represents one facility and is sized and color-coded based on the total releases quantity reported in 2023. Census block groups within the community are color-coded based on their demographic index national percentile value.
Map of TRI Facilities in in 2023 and Demographic Index Data
Demographic Index: The average of percent Low Income and percent People of Color indicators per census block group.
Low Income: The percent of individuals in a block group where the household income is less than or equal to twice the federal "poverty level."
People of Color: The percent of individuals in a block group who list their racial status as a race other than white alone and/or list their ethnicity as Hispanic or Latino. That is, all people other than non-Hispanic white-alone individuals. The word "alone" in this case indicates that the person is of a single race, not multiracial.
Percentile: A relative term that is used to convey position or rank of groups within a sample. When considering a demographic indicator, the national percentile tells you what percent of the U.S. population has an equal or lower value for that indicator.
Industry Profile Summary
The bar charts below summarize the top chemicals for up to five industries present in the community. Looking at TRI information by industry provides insight into the industrial activity informing targeted next steps.
Next Steps and Additional Resources
While TRI and RSEI data can provide important information about chemical releases in communities, for a more comprehensive understanding of potential impacts from facilities, we need to review additional information. A next step could be to identify pollution prevention actions that could be implemented by industry. See links to additional resources.
- TRI and P2: www.epa.gov/tri/p2
- RSEI: www.epa.gov/rsei
- EJScreen: www.epa.gov/ejscreen
- MyEnvironment: enviro.epa.gov/myenvironment