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GHGRP 2019
Emissions by Basin*
Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems
Onshore Production
(metric tons CO2e)
* Basin refers to the geologic provinces as published by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Data Source: 2019 GHGRP as of 9/26/20
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GHGRP 2019
Well Count by County
Onshore Petroleum and
Natural Gas Production
Data Source: 2019 GHGRP as of 9/26/20
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GHGRP 2019
Emissions by Basin*
Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems
Gathering and Boosting
(metric tons CO2e)
* Basin refers to the geologic provinces as published by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Data Source: 2019 GHGRP as of 9/26/20
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