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Facility locations and reported emissions (CO2e) for offshore production

GHGRP 2018
Offshore Production
(metric tons CO2e)

Data Source: 2018 GHGRP as of 8/4/2019

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Reported emissions (CO2e) and facility locations for industry types: natural gas processing, natural gas transmission, underground natural gas storage, LNG storage, LNG import/export

GHGRP 2018
Facility Locations and Emisssions
(metric tons CO2e)

Data Source: 2018 GHGRP as of 8/4/2019

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Reported emissions (CO2e) by state for onshore gas transmission pipelines

GHGRP 2018
Onshore Gas Transmission
Pipeline Emissions by State
(metric tons CO2e)

Data Source: 2018 GHGRP as of 8/4/2019

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