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2018 Total Reported Direct Emissions from , by Subsector (as of 8/4/19)

Number of Reporters and Emissions in the Sector (as of 8/4/19)

Sector - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reported to the GHGRP
(all reported emissions values presented in million metric tons CO2e based on IPCC AR4 GWPs)
  2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Number of facilities:
Total emissions (CO2e):
Emissions by greenhouse gas (CO2e)
• Carbon dioxide (CO2):
• Methane (CH4):
• Nitrous oxide (N2O):

Totals may not equal sum of individual GHGs due to independent rounding.

CO2 emissions from the combustion of biomass are NOT included in emissions totals provided above.

Number of reporters and 2018 emissions (CO2e) per industry subsector
Industry Sector 2018 Number of Reporters 2018 Emissions
(million metric tons CO2e)

Totals may not equal sum of individual GHGs due to independent rounding.